Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Anticipating 2010
Monday, December 21, 2009
Things That Bother Me
Anyway, I cracked that puppy open today while waiting in the car to pick up Z from school and the VERY FIRST SENTENCE HAD A COMMA SPLICE.
Okay, I think perhaps author-who-shall-not-be-named (but is raking in big bucks, I'm sure) is making a stylistic choice. Judge not and all that biz.
Flash forward 60 seconds. Two paragraphs down, there is a dependent clause standing alone as a sentence.
Flash forward 20 seconds: ANOTHER dependent clause sits there all by its sad little lonesome.
Umm... don't publishing houses employ editors anymore? No?
I shall be perturbed all day.
Friday, December 18, 2009
This Makes Me Happy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Grand TO DO (List)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Proof that the Universe is Listening
Friday, November 27, 2009
Apropos of Nothing
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
This Friday...11-20-2009
A Monthly Poetry Series
November 20, 2009
Open Mike 6:00 - 6:30
Featured Poets 6:45 - 7:30
Brothers K
500 Main St.
Evanston, IL
Susan Slaviero is the author of two poetry chapbooks: An Introduction to the Archetypes (Shadowbox Press, 2008) and Apocrypha (Dancing Girl Press, 2009). Her work has appeared in Flyway, RHINO, Fourteen Hills, Arsenic Lobster, Caffeine Destiny and other journals. She designs and edits the online literary journal blossombones.
Kathleen Kirk will be reading from Broken Sonnets, her new chapbook (Finishing Line Press, 2009). Finishing Line will also publish Living on the Earth in 2010, an honorable mention winner in their New Women's Voices series. Her work has also been published in The Common Review, After Hours, Another Chicago Magazine, Ekphrasis, Greensboro Review, Many Mountains Moving, Ninth Letter, and Spoon River Poetry Review. Kathleen is a former editor of RHINO and former associate editor of Poetry East.
More Proof that I Require Therapy
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Strange State of Distraction
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Why I Read Poetry and A New Chapbook Review
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fall(ing) Behind
Monday, October 5, 2009
Now entering October Country...
(Photo from aforementioned reading with the wonderful poets from DGP at Flourish Bakery. What a fun venue!)
Have I really dwindled down to about a post a month? Sad.
This fall weather is so beautiful. I want to read horror stories and eat pumpkin bread.
Life is at some strange transitional phase right now. Still trying to figure it all out. So many good things have (or will shortly) come to an end. One can only hope this makes room for new good things. Perhaps. I remain optimistic...
I am writing a new series of poems, still doing a few websites for people (and thus, my own is sorely out of date. I hope to remedy that very soon), keeping busy with family stuff. It's hard to stop and write a journal entry when I'm feeling so scattered.
I'm also cooking a lot, and making more vegetarian meals. No, I'm not a full-on vegetarian. Just trying to eat less meat...for a number of reasons.
That's about it.
New poems are online at word for/word #15. This delights me for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it's such an innovative journal. I love reading it. Also, I am fond of my cyborg poems. I am so happy these three found such a terrific home :)
Oh! I also want to mention that while An Introduction to the Archetypes is sold out (!), I have two author copies left to sell or trade if anyone's interested...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Reading this Tuesday, September 1st
Flourish Bakery Cafe
1138 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
Edgewater Beach, Chicago
7:00 P.M
ROBYN DETTERLINE is the cofounder of Another New Calligraphy, a non-profit organization that designs and handmakes books and CDs for local writers and musicians. Robyn also cofounded Literary Writers Network, was the managing editor of 10,000 Tons of Black Ink, and was an organizer for the Prose Show reading series. She received her B.A. in English and creative writing from Loyola University Chicago, and she now lives in Oak Park with her husband, kitty cat, and the ghost of Frank Lloyd Wright.
BILLY LOMBARDO is the co-founder and Artistic Director of Polyphony H.S., a student-run national literary magazine for high school writers and editors. He was born and raised in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood, home of the 2005 World Series Champion Chicago White Sox. He is the author of The Logic of a Rose: Chicago Stories (BkMk Press, 2005) and How to Hold a Woman (OV Books 2009). His novel The Man with Two Arms will be published by Overlook Press in February 2010. Billy teaches English literature and creative writing at the Latin School of Chicago. He has just completed a YA novella called, The Day of the Palindrome.
WILLIAM SHUNN returns to Tuesday Funk with another installment of his memoir The Accidental Terrorist.
DANCING GIRL PRESS presents poets Kristen Orser, Susan Slaviero, and Stephanie Anderson.
STEPHANIE ANDERSON is the author of The Choral Mimeographs (dancing girl, 2009) and In the Particular Particular (New Michigan Press). She co-edits Projective Industries and lives in Chicago.
KRISTEN ORSER is the author of Squint (dancing girl press, 2009), Winter, Another Wall (blossombones, 2008); Fall Awake (Taiga Press, 2008); and E AT I, illustrated by James Thomas Stevens (Wyrd Tree Press, 2009).
SUSAN SLAVIERO is the author of Apocrypha (dancing girl press, 2009) and An Introduction to the Archetypes (Shadowbox Press).
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Back on the grid, perhaps to excess?
I'm even messing around with Twitter again, which is probably the eighth sign of the apocalypse or something.
This weekend I finally (finally!!) bought some chapbooks I've been wanting for ages. Can't wait to read some new poetry!
Mostly, I've been busy helping a few nice folks with their websites and dealing with various household tasks. Once I'm finished, I'm giving my site an overhaul, as it's not been updated in forever and it gives me such a mid-to-late-90's vibe these days... I might even tweak this blog, but it's not super-high on my to-do list right now.
I've also been baking a lot of bread, which is awesome:
If you've never baked homemade bread, you should try it. It's both therapeutic and tasty.
Due to my recent obsession with all things culinary, I've decided to start building a food blog. It's in the way early stages of construction, though. You can check it out here.
I have plans to pretty the whole thing up soon. I might even try that three column blogging thing, if I'm feeling adventurous...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The 2009 summer issue is now live!

blossombones summer 2009 : the marked issue
featuring the work of:
Niina Pollari
J. M. English
Elizabeth Glixman
Julene T. Weaver
Suzanne Savickas
Laura Hirneisen
Kate Durbin
Rose Woodson
Kat Dixon
Roseanne Griffeth
Kathleen Nalley
Jennifer Hollie Bowles
Anne Babson
Please note: We are closed to submissions until February 2010. Our winter issue will be a digital chapbook and is set to appear in January.
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I could really use some coloring books and crayons...
Ack! Still reading subs for blossombones... I usually read everything at least twice, which takes a bit of time. I am excited about the selected poems for the next issue. I'm still deciding on the last few pieces, which has been very difficult! I probably agonize too much over everything.
Also: have to mention a few recent pubs:
One poem--"Creative Cookery in Four Courses"-- in Arsenic Lobster (one of my absolute favorite journals!)
and two poems--"Dead Girl Macguffin" and "VirtualGirl III: A Space Opera" in the print edition of Sein Und Werden: Cinamatique. It's a super-cool themed issue, especially if you love the language of film!
Also: Be sure to check out the review (on page 142) of SPIDER VEIN IMPASTO in the newest issue of Oranges & Sardines! Very cool, indeed.
I didn't make it out to Printer's Row this year, which is a bummer. Hope everyone had a blast and bought lots of books!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Playing catch-up...
Luckily, things have been busy, and I'm wrapping up (and starting up) a number of projects. Naturally, keeping up with the blog has taken a backseat to other things.
We've got some terrific subs rolling in for the next issue of blossombones. If you're thinking of sending me some poesy, do it soon! The deadline is April 30th.
I've got a few new poems out this spring:
"Rose Red, On Sibling Rivalry" in the latest Goblin Fruit (online)
"The Dominatrix is Dead" and "Notes on a Blue Movie" in Zygote in My Coffee (online)
Four poems in SPIDER VEIN IMPASTO, a wonderful multi-writer project put out by Blood Pudding Press. If you've never checked them out, you should. The editor makes absolutely beautiful handmade chapbooks. Whenever I get one in the mail, it feels like Christmas--all decked out with sparkly goodness, complete with ribbons and bows.
"The Botanist" in the 2009 issue of RHINO (print)
A few others are forthcoming, although I seem to be sending out less work these days. I've been on a writing/submitting hiatus lately, which makes checking the mail (and email) less stressful, but less interesting, too. Hoping to get back to it soon.
Currently Reading:
Mondo Crampo by Juliet Cook
Recovering the Body by Nicole Cartwright Denison
The Ghost Orchid by Carol Goodman
Currently Planning:
A chapbook shopping spree--which I intended to do last February, but was too distracted by all the bills I had to pay! I'm buying poetry goodies this week. I swear.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Isn't she pretty?

Apocrypha is now available from Dancing Girl Press! The cover turned out lovely--thanks so much to Missy for her beautiful photograpy!
Also, three new poems are up at Melusine, Or Woman in the 21st Century, along with some fabulous work by kickass poets like Melissa Culbertson, Juliet Cook, and others. Good stuff.
Monday, March 16, 2009
What's happening this week...
I'm also delighted to mention that two of our blossombones contributors have work up at Best of the Net this year--Amy Fetzer Larakers poem, "It begins in anise and ends in Asheville" and Wayne Shannon's short fiction piece "Sin Nombre" were selected for inclusion, and we couldn't be more thrilled!
I'm rather delighted to have my poem "The Noir Wife" included, as well! Thanks again to the wonderful editors of Arsenic Lobster for the nomination!
In addition to all the aforementioned very cool poetry news, I have two cyborg fairy tales featured this week at Fickle Muses, so check 'em out, if you please :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
*I'm so OCD my obsessions have compulsions*
However, I'm hoping to order some cool stuff with the $$ I saved by not dropping several hundred bucks on a conference ticket!
I want to order some new dgp chaps and a few from Tilt press, for starters! I'm trying to decide which titles--everything looks so wonderful :)
Suggestions? Recommendations?
I've been a bad blogger---I spend too much time on the net, though! I'm trying to remedy that. Still, I could update the blogs a bit more often, I suppose...
I'm excited about a few new publishing projects, which I cannot wait to ramble on about, once the time is right! I'm looking forward to reading submissions for the Marked issue of blossombones....... and......I do think I'll have some other news about some print goodies, as well :) Very exciting.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Call for submissions!
Call For Submissions: The "Marked" Issue
We'd like writers to be creative in their interpretation of the theme. However, to get you started consider the following: scars, tattoos, brand names, labels, and the various symbols women wear on their bodies to both create and deconstruct their identities. We are accepting submissions from February 1st, 2009 through April 30, 2009.
More details are available here.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A few February updates...

blossombones : winter 2009
I am so thrilled with this issue...I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Also, I have a few new poems up at Ditch!
In other news, it appears I have a tendency to over-use the exclamation point. I shall have to develop an obsession with the ampersand instead...or perhaps the asterisk?
A number of new projects are in the works, so check back here or at the blossombones blog for details :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hello 2009!
I've had hacker problems, too, which exhausts me. Hopefully, things will stay fixed and secure from here on in!
The 2009 winter issue of blossombones is under construction, and should go live right around February 1st :) I'm also contemplating some possible print projects for blossombones, so stay tuned...
Selecting work for the winter issue was difficult, as I had to turn down more good stuff than ever before--much of it absolutely publishable--because I didn't want to overwhelm myself (or readers) with a too-hefty issue. I dislike writing rejections, almost as much as I dislike receiving them...But, it's unavoidable. Too many wonderful writers, not enough time and space :(
I do hope to see work of similar high quality in our next reading period, which begins in February. Submit!
In the meantime, I have a few new poems out and about:
The Mage (The Dirty Napkin, online)
Melpomene, On Raising Daughters (Goblin Fruit, online)
Inanna Plays Blackjack at the Stardust Casino (Mythic Delirium #19 , print)
I haven't been writing much these last couple of months, especially with all the holiday craziness. I'm hoping to get back to it, soon.