Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall(ing) Behind

Holy crap. It's November.

I don't know if it's some kind of wacky law of physics that time actually moves faster as you get older, but this sometimes seems to be the case.

I gave away mad amounts of Halloween candy yesterday--about 60 full size candy bars! We had loads of trick-or-treaters this year. It was crazy. Last year I felt like we had but a handful of little goblins. Go figure.

I love this time of year--the cool weather, the impending sense of quietude, the need to hibernate in a warm, cozy house. It's a homebody's dream.

I will be taking my son on his first college visit in about a week-and-a-half. It's a strange feeling--bittersweet, gratifying and scary, too.

Life remains quietly busy. Here's what's new:

Two poems--most seasonally appropriate for Halloween/All Souls:

"Why Everyone Can't See Ghosts" appears in The Medulla Review.

Two terrific journals, so I'm delighted to be included. I'm in excellent company.

I've also started a food blog. You can visit it here. I'm still not sure what compels me to start another blog when I'm barely keeping up with this one.

Also: (god, is it to early to be blogging about this? I always feel weird promoting "forthcoming" stuff. It never quite feels real until I actually see it! Anyway, it's exciting news, so I want to share it....)

My very first full length collection, Cyborgia, has been accepted for publication by Mayapple Press! I'm thrilled, and nervous, and it still doesn't feel real to me yet. I really love the manuscript, and I've been working on it for a long time... I'm so delighted to have found it a home!

I have a reading coming up, too... I'll be at Bros K coffee shop in Evanston on November 20, where I will be a featured reader along with Rhino editor Kathleen Kirk. Very exciting! The reading starts at 6 p.m. (open mic), and the featured readers begin at around 6:45 p.m. Come see me! You know you want to :)


Ivy said...

Yay! Congratulations, Susan! :-D

Susan said...

Thanks, Ivy!!