Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Top 5 reasons why I'd still like to be Wonder Woman when I grow up. . .

While I've already posted this on the blossombones blog, I feel strangely compelled to add this post to Mythology and Milk, as well.

Top 5 reasons why I'd still like to be Wonder Woman when I grow up:

1. Who else can pull off looking like a bada$$ in a tiara?

2. Those short-shorts double as a cheat sheet for my astronomy exam.

3. Foil bracelets useful for wrapping leftovers if they happen to go out of style. (the bracelets, not the leftovers!)

4. I am convinced that I would deliver a far more effective roundhouse kick to the face to any would-be enemies if only I had red boots instead of knee socks and hush puppies.

5. I am almost as nerdy as Diana Prince. (Even at an early age, as this picture clearly demonstrates.) Ask anyone who knows me.

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