Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I should be sleeping...

but, of course, I like switch back and forth between bouts of insomnia and narcolepsy.

I just finished watching the most effed-up movie ever: Botched. Really, I can't even comment. I'm speechless.

If you're the type who enjoys a good bad horror movie, this might be worth a rent. (But you need to be the sort that thinks nothing is too over the top. Nothing.) I will say this: it does what I believe any modern horror movie ought to do--satirize the genre. And I must admit, I was laughing. I think my husband worries about what kind of twisted person finds this stuff funny...

What can I say? Horror movies de-stress me. I don't know why.


As for poetry stuff, new work is online at Caffeine Destiny and Ghoti. Very exciting!

Also, I have two poems in the latest print issue of Zygote in My Coffee (#5). Available for purchase here. Dig it.

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