Because I am officially declaring 2009 to be the year of anxiety. I should very much like a winning lottery ticket, but a coloring book will probably have to do.
Ack! Still reading subs for blossombones... I usually read everything at least twice, which takes a bit of time. I am excited about the selected poems for the next issue. I'm still deciding on the last few pieces, which has been very difficult! I probably agonize too much over everything.
Also: have to mention a few recent pubs:
One poem--"Creative Cookery in Four Courses"-- in Arsenic Lobster (one of my absolute favorite journals!)
and two poems--"Dead Girl Macguffin" and "VirtualGirl III: A Space Opera" in the print edition of Sein Und Werden: Cinamatique. It's a super-cool themed issue, especially if you love the language of film!
Also: Be sure to check out the review (on page 142) of SPIDER VEIN IMPASTO in the newest issue of Oranges & Sardines! Very cool, indeed.
I didn't make it out to Printer's Row this year, which is a bummer. Hope everyone had a blast and bought lots of books!
The AWP Conference in Los Angeles…
1 day ago