Monday, February 16, 2009

*I'm so OCD my obsessions have compulsions*

So...I still feel kind of guilty about skipping AWP :(

However, I'm hoping to order some cool stuff with the $$ I saved by not dropping several hundred bucks on a conference ticket!

I want to order some new dgp chaps and a few from Tilt press, for starters! I'm trying to decide which titles--everything looks so wonderful :)

Suggestions? Recommendations?


I've been a bad blogger---I spend too much time on the net, though! I'm trying to remedy that. Still, I could update the blogs a bit more often, I suppose...

I'm excited about a few new publishing projects, which I cannot wait to ramble on about, once the time is right! I'm looking forward to reading submissions for the Marked issue of blossombones....... and......I do think I'll have some other news about some print goodies, as well :) Very exciting.


Julie Platt said...

I just ordered a bunch from Dancing Girl; their 5 for 20 deal is hawt.

Tilt also has a good deal right now with their five chaps for 30.


Susan said...

Those are very cool deals, indeed :)