Prednisone Insomnia is kicking my ass tonight.
I've been up for about 40 hours straight so far and my attempt at an afternoon nap was a failure. DRAG.
I took pain meds and I'm drinking some herbal mint tea and trying my best to wind down...
So, the current Listography:
Reading: The Queen of the Tearling
I am in a fantasy novel kind of mood, probably because Game of Thrones is back and I'm pretty stoked about that shit. I need the magic necklace the Red Woman (Melisandre) wears because, DAMN. That final image from the Season 6 Premiere really stays with you.
Watching: Game of Thrones, obvi
I binge-watched Season 5 of Lost Girl in about three days. It's a guilty pleasure and I'm not sorry. I also just put myself through Still Alice and I realized that's why I don't watch these kind of movies and stick to Sci Fi and Fantasy instead. I can't handle anything REAL. My father has Alzheimer's and it's a horrible, devastating disease and this movie made me sit on my couch and cry like an idiot.
Cooking: trying to maintain my nutritional status has been a struggle with my Gastroparesis. I'm still losing weight. I've lost nearly 50 pounds since the onset of GP. It's weird. I did finally make that tortellini soup with spinach last weekend and tolerated it okay, so long as the portion is small. I don't seem to have a problem with wheat or gluten, surprisingly. I do seem to have a problem with dairy so I am looking at non-dairy alternatives and collecting some Vegan recipes to try. I am looking for a good basic Vegan cookbook for beginners. Not sure where to begin...There's so much out there!
I feel like I should be doing AIP (autoimmune protocol diet), but so much of the protocol isn't suitable for someone with GP. Too much meat, fat, fiber. Very hard to digest.
Writing: Working on a tarot poem for a larger project and I am struggling with it. I need a full day set aside for doing creative work but it's been super hectic.
Walking: reasonably well, actually. I have been able to put my cane away for now, thanks to these damn steroids. While it's not ideal I am grateful for the significant improvement.
22 hours ago