I've been somewhat (but not completely) off the grid these days. Sometimes, I need a break from all the time I spend in front of the computer...So I've been reading books (but failing to update my Goodreads :( ) ...cooking, watching movies, taking walks in the snow...it's been nice, but now I feel terribly behind with blogs & etc.
I've had hacker problems, too, which exhausts me. Hopefully, things will stay fixed and secure from here on in!
The 2009 winter issue of blossombones is under construction, and should go live right around February 1st :) I'm also contemplating some possible print projects for blossombones, so stay tuned...
Selecting work for the winter issue was difficult, as I had to turn down more good stuff than ever before--much of it absolutely publishable--because I didn't want to overwhelm myself (or readers) with a too-hefty issue. I dislike writing rejections, almost as much as I dislike receiving them...But, it's unavoidable. Too many wonderful writers, not enough time and space :(
I do hope to see work of similar high quality in our next reading period, which begins in February. Submit!
In the meantime, I have a few new poems out and about:
The Mage (The Dirty Napkin, online)
Melpomene, On Raising Daughters (Goblin Fruit, online)
Inanna Plays Blackjack at the Stardust Casino (Mythic Delirium #19 , print)
I haven't been writing much these last couple of months, especially with all the holiday craziness. I'm hoping to get back to it, soon.
22 hours ago